"So this is what the end looks like…Beautiful."
"So this is what the end looks like…Beautiful."
We ain't got time for this, Ellis…
The way you've always done shading gives such a soft and smooth feeling that's just beyond me. I know this is a weird phrase and sometimes overused, but your art truly does look edible and scrumptious.
Beautiful! Always loved Dead Cells, it was the first roguelike I ever played.
Can't believe Bill Nye had to die AGAIN after that hot air balloon accident…
The paper background looks awesome! Nice colors too.
I would give up various bones from my own skeleton in no particular order to be able to draw half as creatively and expressively as this
Awesome! Beautiful rendering and very nice take on his mask—I love seeing Hotline Miami fanart where a mask is neither ripped from the game nor a generic real mask.
Thanks alot! Wanted to capture the stylized look of the original sprite but add my own flair to it
I design characters and then I draw them. And then I sleep. And then I wake up too late and hate myself. And then
Age 19, dude
Evil Freaking Alien
Gogloboglo State College
Scary Evil City
Joined on 9/6/24